April Chapter Project
April Chapter Project
Tags of the Seasons mini-series
Tags of the Seasons mini-series
Join us Sunday, March 30th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. as we work on the second in the series of seasonal cross-stitched mini-tags cross. The wood tags are embellished with really cute wooden shapes, ribbon and felt to give them an extra special touch. There are a limited number of kits available, so they will be available on a first come, first served basis. Bring your normal stitching supplies and we'll be sending out an email with a list of called for thread colors and fabric. You will receive a wooden tag and choice of embellishment, but will need to supply your own threads and fabric. There is no charge for this project and everyone is welcome to come.
We'll be meeting at the Southeast Fiber Arts Alliance (SEFAA), located at 3420 W. Hospital Ave, Chamblee, GA. Even if you choose to not participate, just bring your current work in progress and anything you'd like to share for show & tell.
NOTE: Date has been changed to March 30th!!!
It's time for retreat!
It's time for retreat!
Dogwood chapter is holding retreat this year on May 16, 17 & 18 with an optional day on Thursday, May 15th. The destination is the Holiday Inn Express, 8100S Main St., Helen, GA. We have a special room rate of $159/night, which includes breakfast. If you bunk with a roommate, it'll be only half of that. There's a fee of $75 to attend. See your newsletter for details or email us and we'll send you more information.
If you've never been to one of our retreats, it includes mini projects, optional gift exchange, a goodie bag, games, lots of snacks and laughter. Lunch on Saturday and dinner on Friday are also included in your $75 fee. What happens at retreat stays at retreat, so come join in on the fun.
Registration closes on April 15, so get your registration in now. If you need a roommate, let us know and we'll try to pair you with one.
Spring workshop in Ukranian Whitework with Terri Bay
Register now for our spring workshop on April 26th and 27th with renowned Ukranian Whitework teacher, Terri Bay. Dogwood chapter members pay only one half the kit fee for this 2-day workshop when they attend in person. There is pre-work for this project, so register early. Deadline is March 20th. See your January newsletter for registration form and more information. Class space is limited, so don't wait!
Beginning January 1, 2024, EGA all membership dues are paid through EGA's national website. Plural members pay their plural chapter dues directly to the respective chapter(s).
Your renewal date will be the date you pay your dues.
Simply click on the yellow box below and you can join now.
Have you gotten your FREE downloadable booklet yet? This book is a little collection of tips and bits of knowledge collected by the author, designed to help a beginning embroiderer with some basic knowledge about the wonderful world of embroidery in any of its forms, and to encourage an established embroiderer to pursue beautiful stitches. Included are 'The Expert Advises' - invaluable tips offered from some of our teachers.
Remember, this is free, but only to EGA members.
The book can be accessed by logging into EGA's national website at www.egausa.org and then clicking on 'resources' and then 'free projects'.
The book can be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" paper and then cut to 5.5" x 8.5" and bound in your preferred method.
Funding for 'A Little Book of Embroidery Basics' was made possible by the Gay Montegue Phillips Bequest.
A Little Book of Embroidery Basics - FREE to all EGA members!
A Little Book of Embroidery Basics - FREE to all EGA members!
Dogwood Chapter, EAG is a Proud member of
Dogwood Chapter, EAG is a Proud member of
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EGA Links and Files
EGA Links and Files
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